Sunday, March 22, 2009

A New Tradition for the Mailes...

SPRING is in the air! We are so happy that it is finally warming up. Even better, we loved our NEW tradition. We've decided to celebrate each season with a PARTY on the 1st day of each new season. A few things we did were: a bug search, decorated foam plates and then made them into paddles to hit balloons, we read a story about a caterpillar turning into a butterfly and then the kids acted like caterpillars and then turned into butterflies to some classical music, we made pinecone bird-feeders, we had the classic egg hunt and then had lunch! was a lot of fun and I am already looking forward to planning my SUMMER PARTY!

Max doing the bug search...looking for the perfect bug!Cute Parker with his bugs! (Max's preschool buddy)
Instead of wiping the peanut butter on the cone why not some in my mouth! (Funny Boy)

Grace working on her bird feeder

Playing with their Spring paddles!


Ellen Oates said...

What a fun tradition! I am sure that gets your kids excited for the new seasons and helps them learn what the seasons are and what great things happen in each. I love it!

Josh and Ashlee said...

Hey KayBree and Daimen LOVED the party! Thank you so much for doing that! You are so awesome!

Scoresbys said...

This morning Grace cried when she saw the snow. "But mom! We had a Spring party and everything. It's supposed to be Spring!" Thanks so much for entertaining all the kiddos. And thanks EVEN MORE for the car seat at the last minute. You're the best!

Jessika said...

What a cute Mom you are! This is such a neat idea! Go you!!! Looks like the kids had a blast! Oh, and I LOVE the pic of Samson at the top... he's so stinkin' cute!

Brit said...

How fun!! You are so CREATIVE Heather. And...Samson is such a handsome little guy-look at those cute.

kara said...

Wish we were still neighbors. This looks like so much fun. I wish I was as creative as you. And I wish I had as much time as you. I need to be better at organizing my time.