So here is a little update of our little or "not so little" family...
Samson is doing great! He is quite the eater. He is such a sweet little guy, he really only fusses when he is hungry. This is a picture of him with his little cast on for his club foot. I have to get it changed weekly for 6 straight weeks. Kind of a pain, but for sure worth it! It's nice to get it over with now, than later when it would affect him much more. He continues to bring smiles and laughter to our home on a daily basis.

Cici girl cracks me up. She is so sweet, but also kind of a stinker. DRAMA! We love her so much. She is really showing signs of wanting to be potty trained, I am just not quite ready to face the challenge. Hopefully we'll get it taken care of sooner than later. We'll see...with 3 kids I'm having to find a totally new routine.

Max...such a sweet big brother! He is kind of a pest to Cici though, I think he thinks it's his job to tease her all day. He is SO excited to start preschool next week, as am I. He thrives in a learning environment.
Alright well that's it for now. As for Frank and I...we are surviving! BUSY BUSY BUSY Frank started his masters this week and is so busy training all of the athletic teams up here. I was thinking today while I was in the shower...Wow you know you are busy with 3 little kids when it's been like 3 or 4 days since you've shaved your arm pits because you are trying to hurry so fast in the shower. HA HA HA what a wonderful life...I really wouldn't trade it I promise!